Introducing Kyra Christine Nelson
She was born August 4th, 2007 at 9:04am. She was 7 lbs. and 13 oz and was 19 inches long.
She has been just a pure joy. She rarely cries, and if she does, it means she's hungry. We are working on getting her comfortable sleeping alone. It's been a slow process but we are getting better.
As of August 17th, she's up to 8 lbs. it's amazing how fast the time goes and how quickly she grows.
Bobby and I are so proud and we will be updating this website often, so please come back and check it out!!
She was born August 4th, 2007 at 9:04am. She was 7 lbs. and 13 oz and was 19 inches long.
She has been just a pure joy. She rarely cries, and if she does, it means she's hungry. We are working on getting her comfortable sleeping alone. It's been a slow process but we are getting better.
As of August 17th, she's up to 8 lbs. it's amazing how fast the time goes and how quickly she grows.
Bobby and I are so proud and we will be updating this website often, so please come back and check it out!!